Undead Assault Wiki

Welcome to the Wiki for Undead Assault 3[]

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Undead Assault Chronicles is an Arcade game in Starcraft II made by Xempest, Doom, RPS, BlazeKaizer and Legeld. UAC is the successor of UA3 made by illidan92. illidan92 dropped the development of UA3 because of personal reasons and gave the Sourcecode to the community. UAC is a fork of that.

In the standard Game Modes, the players take on the role of a group of soldiers sent into an area devastated by a zombie outbreak. They must scavenge for Items and kill enemy Zombies to gain levels for unlocking and improving their abilities, while proceeding alongside the advancing storyline which will challenge them with Missions. Successfully completing Missions will give each player experience to unlock Ranks, Skill Identifiers, and Military Occupational Specialties. In some situations, you might find yourself encountering Private Military Corporations that may or may not be so keen on your presence in the area. Perform well, and you can earn Medals for bragging rights or unlock Decals and Camouflage patterns for customizing your soldier's appearance in future games!


Feel free to get started navigating through the Wiki's various resources from the list below.  This Wiki is a work in progress, and some pages may still be in the process of overhaul or have inaccurate information.  Please don't hesitate to contribute if you are able!

Category Content
Modes Summary of the various game modes and game modifiers available to choose from at the start of the game.
Military Occupational Specialties Overviews of the various classes of player-controlled Heroic units and guides for utilizing them in fulfilling their roles.
Missions Walkthrough of mission objectives that appear as the game progresses.
Items List of every item that appears in-game as well as their function.
Zombies Bestiary of all the undead enemies that you will encounter.
Military Stats on military units, including Local Nationals, Reinforcements, the US Army, and Private Military Corporations.
Civilians Rundown of the sparce number of non-combatants and Police Officers in the AO.
Ranks Information about ranks and the experience required to attain them.
Skill Identifiers Guide for unlocking Skill Identifiers and explanations of what they do.
Medals Requirements in performance for earning Medals.
Unlockables Unlocks for Camouflage and Decals.

Latest activity[]
